We at Prime point aim to process and dispatch your order within 24 hours once the order is confirmed.
You are requested to be available on the provided contact number so our team can reach you.
The estimated average delivery time across Pakistan isΒ 3 to 6 working days.
During sale or any event delivery time may exceed due to high volume.
We offer Standard Delivery Charges of Rs99 for all orders. .
Charges for all International delivery vary from country to country depending upon city, state, country, and locality. To calculate shipment charges, you can select any product and checkout with your delivery address to calculate the estimated delivery charges (doesnβt include any taxes & duties).
Please note that international orders may be subject to taxes & duties and will be the responsibility of the customer. Any applicable duties or fees will be collected at the time of order delivery by the courier.
Once your order is dispatched you will receive an email/SMS with your tracking number.
You can track your order on the respective courier website mentioned in your email.
If you don't get any tracking updates please write to us at cs@primepoint.com.pk
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